Monday, September 30, 2019

Education †school Essay

Education is a topic that has been implemented on our generation more than ever before. However, it is not for the grades, degree or the income that education should be important to us. It is for the sake of learning and developing our character that education should be valued. When people go to school, they receive education and thus become educated, however, these people must keep in mind that a major portion of the world receives no form of formal education. Due to their good fortune, the educated people have responsibilities to the world. The first responsibility of an educated person is to help educate others. This may come in the form of teaching classes, tutoring, helping others or simply correcting errors. When we teach people we spread the value of education and share skills that are essential for survival. Other people are able to think rationally and evolve into a self dependent person through the knowledge they attain. Once people are educated, they are able to prevent others from taking advantage of them or cheating them. Through education, people are also able to use the resources they own efficiently and sparingly. Finally, education allows people from different nationalities and locations to communicate and work together in a beneficial harmony. The second responsibility of an educated person is to aim to advance to a better future. It is through evolution that we have become more intellectual and learned. For this process to be beneficial and continuous, we must use it and upgrade it through our use. In the past, communication was a problematic process, today; we have e-mail accounts, cell phones, chat sites, video chat sites and messengers for instant communication. Presently, global warming and oil depletion are major complications. If we are able to advance and address this problem, we would be using our education beneficially. There would be less violence over oil and the future would be a less worrisome place if global warming was tackled. However, this is just one amongst the billions of changes we could make, all to create a better future. The third responsibility of an educated person is to create or maintain stability and order in the world. Through stability and order, the world  becomes a much safer place where people share respect for each other and live in harmony. When there is order, people are insured of payments for their services. They are motivated to work-hard and use positive, instead of negative means to earn their income. Thus, through stability and order, ethics can also be implemented into people. Thus, the three main responsibilities of an educated person are to educate others, aim for a better future and create as well as maintain stability in the world. Through these goals, the world becomes a positive place and continues to flourish after each generation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Accounting for Operational Activities: Illustrative Transactions and Financial Statements Answers

CHAPTER FIVE: COST ESTIMATION Introduction When managers make decisions they need to compare the costs (and benefits) among alternative actions. In this chapter, we discuss how to estimate the costs required for decision making (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objectives: According to Lanen (2008), after completing Chapter 5 you should: 1. Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs. 2. Estimate costs using engineering estimates. 3. Estimate costs using account analysis. 4. Estimate costs using statistical analysis. 5. Interpret the results of regression output. 6.Identify potential problems with regression data. 7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimates. 8. (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. 9. (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Why Estimate Costs? Managers make decisions and need to compare costs and benefits among alternative actions. Good decision requ ires good information about costs, the better these estimates, the better the decision managers will make (Lanen, 2008).. Key Question What adds value to the firm? Read this  Financial StatementsGood decisions. You saw in Chapters 3 and 4 that good decisions require good information about costs. Cost estimates are important elements in helping managers make decisions that add value to the company (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objective One: Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The basic idea in cost estimation is to estimate the relation between costs and the variables affecting costs, the cost drivers. We focus on the relation between costs and one important variable that affect them: activity (Lanen, 2008).Basic Cost Behavior Patterns By now you understand the importance of cost behavior. Cost behavior is the key distinction for decision making. Costs behave as either fixed or variable (Lanen, 2008). Fixed costs are fixed in total, variable costs vary in total. On a per-unit basis, fixed costs vary inversely with activity and variable costs stay the same. Are you gettin g the idea? Cost behavior is critical for decision making. The formula that we use to estimate costs is similar cost equation: Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of unitsT c = f + {v} x |With a change in Activity |In Total |Per Unit | |Fixed Cost |Fixed |Vary | |Variable |Vary |Fixed |What Methods are used to Estimate Cost Behavior? Three general methods used to estimate the relationship between cost behavior and activity levels that are commonly used in practice: Engineering estimates, Account analysis & Statistical methods (Such as regression analysis) (Lanen, 2008). Results are likely to differ from method to method. Consequently, it’s a good idea to use more than one method so that results can be compared. These methods, therefore, should be seen as ways to help management arrive at the best estimates possible.Their weakness and strengths require attention. Learning Objective Two: Estimate costs using engineering estimates. Engineering Estimates C ost estimates are based on measuring and then pricing the work involved in a task. This method based on detailed plans and is frequently used for large projects or new products. This method often omits inefficiencies, such as downtime for unscheduled maintenance, absenteeism and other miscellaneous random events that affect the entire firm (Lanen, 2008). Identify the activities involved Labor |Rent |Insurance |Time |Cost | Advantages of engineering estimates |Details each step required to perform an operation |Permits comparison of other centers with similar operations | |Identifies strengths and weaknesses. | | Disadvantages of engineering estimates 1. Can be quite expensive to use. Read also Recording General Fund Operating Budget and Operating TransactionsLearning Objective Three: Estimate costs using account analysis. Account Analysis Estimating costs using account analysis involves a review of each account making up the total costs being analyzed and identifying each cost as either fixed or variable, depending on the relation between the cost and some activity. Account analysis relies heavily on personal judgment. This method is often based on last period’s cost along and is subject to managers focusing on specific issues of the previous period even though these might be unusual and infrequent(Lanen, 2008) .Example: Account Analysis (Exhibit 5. 1) |3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis | |Costs for 360 Repair Hours | |Account |Total |Variable Cost |Fixed Cost | |Office Rent $3,375 |$1,375 |$2,000 | |Utilities |310 |100 |210 | |Administration |3,386 |186 |3,200 | |Supplies |2,276 |2,176 |100 | |Training |666 |316 |350 | |Other |613 |257 |356 | |Tot al |$10,626 |$4,410 |$6,216 | |Per Repair Hour |$12. 25 ($4,410 divided by 360 repair-hours) | 3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis (Costs at 360 Repair-Hours. A unit is a repair- hour) Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of unitsT c = f + {v} x |$10,626 = $6,216 + $12. 25 (360) |$10,626 = $6,216 + $$4,410 | Costs at 520 Repair-Hours Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units |Tc = $6,216 + {$12. 25} 520 |Total costs = $6,216 + $ $6,370 |$12,586 = $6,216 + $ $6,370 | Advantage of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Disadvantages of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants may be biased. 2.Decisions often have major economic consequences for managers and accountants. Learning Objective Four: Estimate costs using statistical analysis. The statistical analysis deals with both random and unusual events is to use several periods o f operation or several locations as the basis for estimating cost relations . We can do this by applying statistical theory, which allows for random events to be separated from the underlying relation between costs and activities. A statistical cost analysis analyzes costs within the relevant range using statistics. Do you remember how we defined relevant range? A relevant range is the range of activity where a cost estimate is valid.The relevant range for cost estimation is usually between the upper and lower limits of past activity levels for which data is available (Lanen, 2008). Example: Overhead Costs for 3C ( Exhibit 5. 2) The following information is used throughout this chapter: Here we have the overhead costs data for 3C for the last 15 months. Let’s use this data to estimate costs using a statistical analysis. |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours | |1 |$9,891 |248 |8 |$10,345 |344 | |2 $9,244 |248 |9 |$11,217 |448 | |3 |$13,200 | 480 |10 |$13,269 |544 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |11 |$10,830 |340 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |12 |$12,607 |412 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |13 |$10,871 |384 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |14 |$12,816 |404 | | | | |15 |$8,464 |212 | A. Scattergraph Plot of cost and activity levelsDoes it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead costs? We will start with a scatter graph. A scatter graph is a plot of cost and activity levels. This gives us a visual representation of costs. Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead cost? We use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine the intercept and slope of the line. Now we â€Å"eyeball† the scatter graph to determine the intercept and the slope of a line through the data points. Do you remember graphing our total cost in Chapter 3? Where the total cost line intercepts the horizontal or Y axis represents fixed cost. What we are saying is the intercept equals fixed costs. Also read Current Liabilities and Payroll AccountingThe slope of the line represents the variable cost per unit. So we use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine fixed cost and variable cost per unit to arrive at total cost for a given level of activity. As you can imagine, preparing an estimate on the basis of a scatter graph is subject to a high level of error. Consequently, scatter graphs are usually not used as the sole basis for cost estimates but to illustrate the relations between costs and activity and to point out any past data items that might be significantly out of line. B. High-Low Cost Estimation A method to estimate costs based on two cost observations, usually at the highest and lowest activity level.Although the high-low method allows a computation of estimates of the fixed and variable costs, it ignores most of the information available to the analyst. The high-low method uses two data points to estimate costs (Lanen, 2008). Another approach: Equations V = Cost at highest activity – Cost at lowest activity Highest activity – Lowest activity F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) Let’s put the numbers in the equations | | | |V = $12,883 – $9,054 |V = $10. 0/RH | |568 – 200 | | F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) F = $12,883 – $10. 40 (568), F= $6,976 Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) F = $9,054 – $10. 40 (200) Rounding Difference C. Statistical Cost Estimation Using Regression Analysis Statistical procedure to determine the relationship between variables High-Low Method: Uses two data points. Regression analysis Regression is a statistical procedure that uses all the data points to estimate costs. [pic] Regression AnalysisRegression statistically measures the relationship between two variables, activities and costs. R egression techniques are designed to generate a line that best fits a set of data points. In addition, regression techniques generate information that helps a manager determine how well the estimated regression equation describes the relations between costs and activities (Lanen, 2008). We recommend that users of regression (1) fully understand the method and its limitations (2) specify the model, that is the hypothesized relation between costs and cost predictors (3) know the characteristics of the data being tested (4) examine a plot of the data .For 3C, repair-hours are the activities, the independent variable or predictor variable. In regression, the independent variable or predictor variable is identified as the X term. An overhead cost is the dependent variable or Y term. What we are saying is; overhead costs are dependent on repair-hours, or predicted by repair-hours. The Regression Equation |Y = a + bX |Y = Intercept + (Slope) X |OH = Fixed costs + (V) Repair-hours | You alr eady know that an estimate for the costs at any given activity level can be computed using the equation TC = F + VX. The regression equation, Y= a + bX represents the cost equation.Y equals the intercept plus the slope times the number of units. When estimating overhead costs for 3C, total overhead costs equals fixed costs plus the variable cost per unit of repair-hours times the number of repair-hours. We leave the description of the computational details and theory to computer and statistics course; we will focus on the use and interpretation of regression estimates. We describe the steps required to obtain regression estimates using Microsoft Excel in Appendix A to this chapter. Learning Objective Five: Interpret the results of regression output. Interpreting Regression [pic] Interpreting regression output allows us to estimate total overhead costs.The intercept of 6,472 is total fixed costs and the coefficient, 12. 52, is the variable cost per repair-hours. Correlation coefficie nt â€Å"R† measures the linear relationship between variables. The closer R is to 1. 0 the closer the points are to the regression line. The closer R is to zero, the poorer the regression line (Lanen, 2008). Coefficient of determination â€Å"R2† The square of the correlation coefficient. The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (Y) explained by the independent variable(s)(X). T-Statistic The t-statistic is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its standard error. Generally, if it is over 2, then it is considered significant.If significant, the cost is NOT totally fixed. The significant level of the t-statistics is called the p-value. Continuing to interpret the regression output, the Multiple R is called the correlation coefficient and measures the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. R Square, the square of the correlation cost efficient, determines and identifies the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable, in this case, overhead costs, that is explained by the independent variable, in this case, repair-hours. The Multiple R, the correlation coefficient, of . 91 tells us that a linear relationship does exist between repair-hours and overhead costs.The R Square, or coefficient of determination, tells us that 82. 8% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 3C at 520 repair-hours? Multiple Regressions Multiple regressions are used when more than one predictor (x) is needed to adequately predict the value (Lanen, 2008). For example, it might lead to more precise results if 3C uses both repair hours and the cost of parts in order to predict the total cost. Let’s look at this example. |Predictors: |X1: Repair-hours |X2: Parts Cost | 3C Cost Information | |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours ( X1) |Parts ( X2) | |1 |$9,891 |248 |$1,065 | |2 |$9,244 |248 |$1,452 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |$3,500 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |$1,568 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |$1,544 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |$1,222 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |$2,986 | |8 |$10,345 |344 |$1,841 | |9 |$11,217 |448 |$1,654 | |10 |$13,269 |544 |$2,100 | |11 |$10,830 |340 |$1,245 | |12 |$12,607 |412 |$2,700 | |13 |$10,871 |384 |$2,200 | |14 |$12,816 |404 |$3,110 | |15 |$8,464 |212 |$ 752 | In multiple regressions, the Adjusted R Square is the correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate. Reading this output tells us that 89% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours and the cost of parts. Remember 82. % of the changes in overhead costs were explained when one independent variable, repair-hours, was used to estimate the costs. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 520 repair-hours and $3,500 cost of parts? Learning Objective Six: Identify potential problems with regression data. Implementation P roblems It’s easy to be over confident when interpreting regression output. It all looks so official. But beware of some potential problems with regression data. We already discussed in earlier chapters that costs are curvilinear and cost estimations are only valid within the relevant range. Data may also include outliers and the relationships may be spurious. Let’s talk a bit about each. Curvilinear costs |Outliers |Spurious relations |Assumptions | 1. Curvilinear costs Problem: Attempting to fit a linear model to nonlinear data. Likely to occur near full-capacity. Solution: Define a more limited relevant range (example: from 25 – 75% capacity) or design a nonlinear model. If the cost function is curvilinear, then a linear model contains weaknesses. This generally occurs when the firm is at or near capacity. The leaner cost estimate understates the slope of the cost line in the ranges close capacity. This situation is shown in exhibit 5. 5. 2. Outliers Problem: Outlier moves the regression line.Solution: Prepare a scatter-graph, analyze the graph and eliminate highly unusual observations before running the regression. Because regression calculates the line that best fits the data points, observations that lie a significant distance away from the line could have an overwhelming effect on the regression estimate. Here we see the effect of one significant outlier. The computed regression line is a substantial distance from most of the points. The outlier moves the regression line. Please refer exhibit 5. 6. 3. Spurious or false relations Problem: Using too many variables in the regression. For example, using direct labor to explain materials costs.Although the association is very high, actually both are driven by output. Solution: Carefully analyze each variable and determine the relationship among all elements before using in the regression. 4. Assumptions Problem: If the assumptions in the regression are not satisfied then the regression i s not reliable. Solution: No clear solution. Limit time to help assure costs behavior remains constant, yet this causes the model to be weaker due to less data. Learning Objective Seven: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. Statistical Cost Estimation Advantages 1. Reliance on historical data is relatively inexpensive. 2.Computational tools allow for more data to be used than for non-statistical methods. Disadvantages 1. Reliance on historical data may be the only readily available, cost-effective basis for estimating costs. 2. Analysts must be alert to cost-activity changes. Choosing an Estimation Method Each cost estimation method can yield a different estimate of the costs that are likely to result from a particular management decision. This underscores the advantage of using more than one method to arrive at a final estimate. Which method is the best? Management must weigh the cost-benefit related to each method (Lanen, 2008). Estimat ed manufacturing overhead with 520 repair-hours and $3,500 parts costs *.The more sophisticated methods yield more accurate cost estimates than the simple methods. |Account Analysis = $12,586 |High-Low = $12,384 |Regression= $12,982 |Multiple Regression= $13,588* | Data Problems Missing data Outliers Allocated and discretionary costs Inflation Mismatched time periods No matter what method is used to estimate costs, the results are only as good as the data used. Collecting appropriate data is complicated by missing data, outliers, allocated and discretionary costs, inflation and mismatched time periods. Learning Objective Eight: (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. Appendix A: Microsoft as a ToolMany software programs exist to aid in performing regression analysis. In order to use Microsoft Excel, the Analysis Tool Pak must be installed. There are software packages that allow users to easily generate a regression analysis. The analyst must be well school ed in regression in order to determine the meaning of the output! Learning Objective Nine: (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Learning Phenomenon Leaning phenomenon refers to the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. The learning phenomenon means that the variable costs tend to decrease per unit as the volume increase. Example: | |Unit |Time to Produce |Calculation of Time | |First Unit |100 hours |(assumed) | |Second Unit |80 hours |(80 percent x 100 hours | |Fourth Unit |64 hours |(80 percent x 80 hours | |Eighth Unit |51. hours |(80 percent x 64 hours | |Impact: Causes the unit price to decrease as production increases. This implies a nonlinear model. | Another element that can change the shape of the total cost curve is the notion of a learning phenomenon. As workers become more skilled they are able to produce more output per hour. This will impact the total cost curve since it leads to a lower per unit cost, the higher the output. Chapter 5: END!! COURSE WORK EXERCISE 5-25 – A& B PROBLEM 5-47 -A& B REFERENCES Lanen , N. W. , Anderson ,W. Sh. & Maher ,W. M. ( 2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin. [pic]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Answer the questions - Essay Example Private sector norms on the other hand imply that the ethical standards existing in the government sector originated from the private sector, as the former does not have complex bureaucracies therefore upholds high ethical standards than their counterpart2. I particularly find the two ideas interesting because they reflect on the reality that most people tend to disregard. Conflict of interest is prevalent especially in highly politicized working environments while private sector norms have a tendency to infiltrate government agencies and in the process creating more conflicts of authority. Therefore, it would be appropriate to insinuate that the two ethical issues have a strong correlation in that one precedes the other thereby creating a vicious cycle of ethical dilemma. This is because conflicts of authority normally erode the private sector norms that have infiltrated the government and in the process leading to more crisis3. Certainly, conflict of authority and private sector no rms are fundamental concepts that have a wide variety of application in my professional work. During my everyday undertaking of my professional work, I may find myself in a conflict of authority situation and the best method to get out of this ethical dilemma is to act in accordance with the private sector norms that highly regard the incorporation of ethical codes of conduct in resolving ethical dilemmas4. Question Two Although the book ‘Ethics, The Ethics Edge’ presents several strong ethical concepts and arguments, I find two ideas namely, ethical leaders respect others and corruption as the major interesting factors. Ethical leaders ought to show respect to their peers as well as their subordinates as this motivates people in addition to promoting the inherent dignity of other persons. Corruption on the other hand, may have several meanings ranging from the moral sense of corruption to the technical aspects of the same5. In my view, the two aspects are interesting i n the sense that each presents a unique perspective of ethical conducts. For example, the suggestion that ethical leaders normally respect others appears as a hypothetical phrase as more often than not, I find people in leadership positions blatantly disregarding their juniors. This could mean that ethical leadership and leaders for that matter is a rare asset in the contemporary organization settings. Corruption in contrast takes a different ethical route in that it may imply the moral sense of corruption whereby individuals have the mindset of non-accountability deeply rooted in them. The technical sense of corruption is surprisingly the most mundane one because it is the database type of corruption consisting mainly of the physical aspect. These two ideas are curiously opposite because lack of ethical respect by leaders may erode the ethical values within the organization and corruption may ensue6. Both ideas are applicable in my professional work in that as a professional who is honing my leadership skills I have an obligation to respect others irrespective of the positions they hold in society or within the organization. This will include believing in them and their personal values and in the process enhancing my skills as an ethical leader. I also learn that the vice of corruption has many facets ranging from moral to physical aspects and that only ethical leadership

Friday, September 27, 2019

Keurig System in the Office Coffee Market Case Study

Keurig System in the Office Coffee Market - Case Study Example This type of system is attractive in the office coffee market because it allows employees to choose the flavour they want. The chosen flavour is then ready in just 30 seconds. The cups are made to fit just the Keurig system. This would allow employees to only experience the different types at the office. This also eliminated maintenance associated with traditional brewers. Employees were also no longer tempted to take supplies home. Nick Lazaris has a huge predicament involving Keurig and MTS machine manufacturing. MTS is demanding more money than originally estimated. After finishing the project, MTS has asked for an additional $180,000 in payments. This was asked for because the machine took additional funds to get finished. There are many things Nick can do in this type of situation. Nick Lazaris should hold a meeting with MTS and discuss either continuing business or take up business with another manufacturer. If MTS required additional funds, they should have contacted Nick and explained that they would not be able to release the first packaging line until additional money was received. Instead of using unethical business decisions, MTS waited until the last minute and demanded additional funds. It would be in Keurigs favour in the long run to seek out business with a different manufacturer. The business ethics presented by Keurig at the beginning of production stages can only get worse as time goes on. MTS may start to demand more money and cause additional problems in the future. Nicks strategy needs to focus on letting MTS know that there are other manufacturers out there and MTS needs Keurig, not the other way around. The focused goal for production should achieve all the objectives of allowing all companies to succeed. Fair business is important. The amount should be the original $700,000 plus any additional cost that MTS had to pay out of pocket. The vendor selection for the brewing machines must be fair.     

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reflection of Past Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection of Past Work - Essay Example took the alternative perspective that â€Å"peer pressure could act as motivation because it boosts one’s morale in becoming better at certain things. Under motivation children coming financially unstable homes find the momentum to work hard in their academics to get better jobs†. Taking the alternative perspective is not easy because we have to research more in justifying our position. This however is not the case when we write a narrative such as in the case of A Helping Hand. This piece may be longer to write but is actually a joy to do it. I enjoyed writing it because it allowed me a greater degree of creativity to create my own story. Unlike in editorial where I have to be reasonable in my position, personal narratives are based more on what I feel and think and I do not have to make solid justifications about it for as long as the reader can relate and understand what I am writing. In the first place, the goal of a personal narrative is to reach out and affect the reader and not necessarily convince him or her with my arguments such as in the case of editorials. Writing about a favourite subject such as the performing arts in the A Day in the Fairytale is also such a joy to write. It is because I just have to write what I felt and saw during that time and need not justify what I think about it such why I enjoy the comical aspect of the dance in the opening curtain of the show. This is fun to write because I only have to focus on the positive aspect of the experience most of the time. If there are negative aspects to it, they are very few if any and are often negligible and overwhelmed by the positive aspects of the experience. For example, the Nutcracker centers around family affair and that theme alone overshadows that not so impressive aspects of the performance. And writing about it is almost without pressure as I just have to relate with the performance. This however is not the case in writing a technical story such as â€Å"What a Flood of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethical Issues Concerning Marketing Departments of Major Global Essay - 1

Ethical Issues Concerning Marketing Departments of Major Global Corporations - Essay Example The paper tells that interests in the ethical issues that pertain to international business have grown enormously due to the complexity of the global business environment of the 21st century. Ethical issues for corporations are very important, especially in the age of the internet as information is accessible to everyone. Marketing activities usually pose significant ethical issues in business such as price discrimination and unfair pricing, miscellaneous unfair competitive practices, dishonest advertising, price collusion with competitors, exploiting social paradigms, establishing guilt, post-purchase dissonance, insufficient expertise and cutting corners. Ethical dilemma, otherwise called moral dilemma, are situations in which there are two alternatives whereupon choice is to be made between them, however neither the option has the capacity to resolve the situation in a morally or ethically acceptable manner because the individual and societal ethical or moral guidelines are not ab le to provide a satisfactory result or outcome for the chooser. A circumstance is viewed or regarded as a moral dilemma on the off chance that it fulfills the accompanying three conditions. The first basic condition obliges that an individual must make a decision about the best course of action. Also, there must be different courses of action for the chooser to select from. Finally, there should be no perfect solution so that regardless of the course of action taken; at least one ethical principle is compromised. Therefore, the chooser is subjected to an intricate circumstance that involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives and complying with one option results in transgressing the other.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nationality and ethnic characteristics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nationality and ethnic characteristics - Essay Example One is often inclined to tag a person through his or her unique attribute like appearance, nationality, eccentricity, accent etc. Nationality and ethnic characteristics are most frequent way of defining a person. In my neighborhood, there is Mexican person who is very jovial but he has an irritating habit of shaking his head and laughing at silly jokes. So we often refer to him as ‘mover and shaker’ and like to interact with him because he gives such unique perspective to serious and non serious issues. Unfortunately, he is also a crooked old bachelor of seventy years and his crusty ribald jokes sometimes become irritating. He thinks the world is a merry go round and we must enjoy every moment. But perhaps, he is right because we are living in a fast paced time where we often forget to interact with nature or even enjoy the leisure time. The competitive world has made us more selfish and less prone to enjoy our success lest we may lose it to our competition. Our mover an d shaker makes us laugh. His silly jokes make us forget our sorrows and tensions of the day. Whenever we are angry at someone or something, he would jokingly tell us to imagine that person as a stone. Then he would pick a stone and ask us to throw it away. With him we would often throw away our tensions just like stones. His unique way of looking at things has made us wiser and a better person. We have learnt from him that love and laughter must be cherished as life is too short to waste it away on hate, jealousy and rivalry.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Payless Shoe Source Paying Less for Fashion Case Study - 1

Payless Shoe Source Paying Less for Fashion - Case Study Example Payless is not the first to chart this territory as retailers such Target and Zellers have tried to peddle high fashion products at everyday prices. This new strategy has allowed Payless to claim to democratize fashion and has given new life to an outdated brand. The method for setting an items value changes when the item is the piece of an item blend. Mostly, firms search at a set of costs that amplifies the benefits on the aggregate item blend where evaluating is troublesome on the grounds that the different items have related request and expenses and face distinctive degrees of rivalry. There is five distinctive item blend evaluating systems that can be utilized for a firm. These are, for example, the product offering valuing, discretionary item pricing, captive-item evaluating, by-item estimating and in conclusion, item package estimating. A pricing approach that considers the brain science of costs and not just the money making concerns; the cost is utilized to say something in regards to the item. For instance, $19.99 or $9.99 kind of "odd costs" that can round of by one final digit number. With the new line and new system, Payless expand the cost of their items. Be that as it may, if the abruptly change their cost by expanding a great deal, clients would not feel good and they wouldn't prefer it whatsoever. Along these lines, they can utilize this sort of technique of Psychological evaluating so as of now expanding of costs, however, make their clients agreeable.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Equus Reading Response Essay Example for Free

Equus Reading Response Essay Shaffer’s play Equus is about Alan Strang and his perception on horses. Alan is currently being treated by a Martin Dysart, his psychiatrist, for blinding six horses. His psychiatrist tries to get Alan to explain what was going on and he eventually begins to open up. When Alan was a child, his mother was a Christian who read the bible to him every day. One day, his father destroyed a picture of the crucifixion of Jesus and Alan decided to replace it with a picture of a horse. During Alan’s childhood, he grew an attraction towards horses from cowboy movies, his mother’s stories, and his grandfather’s love for horses. Later in the play, Alan gets a job at a stable and meets Jill Mason. Jill convinces Alan to have sex with the horses because of his attraction. In order to have sex with the horses, Alan stabs the horse’s eyes because he believed that they were Gods. He did not want the horses to see the sin he was about to commit to them. Alan’s early childhood affected the way Alan thought about horses greatly. The picture of Jesus that was replaced confused him and he replaced Jesus with horses in his head. When his mother would tell him stories from the bible, Alan had images of horses instead of images of Jesus. When he has sex with the horses, he stabs them in the eye because he believes that they are Gods. He did not want the Gods to see what he was about to do to them.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Example for Free

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Have you ever enrolled in an online class and a traditional class at the same time? Kaleb has tried both unfortunately one was more successful than the other. Kaleb is taking Anatomy and English, Anatomy is an online class and English is a traditional class. He excels in his English class due the face-to-face interaction and swift feedback from the instructor and his peers. The online class on the other hand was the total opposite; here he is sitting in front of the computer dazed and confused trying to figure what to do next. Kaleb is an auditory and tactile learner so he needs physical contact and interaction. The online class did not provide that physical contact and feedback he needed so he was not very successful in it. Although online and traditional educations are both forms of learning, traditional education is more informative due to the availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Traditional courses have availability to its advantage considering that some students often fail online courses because of lack in availability. In a traditional course you have that face to face interaction and physical contact. Your professors are available on hand for you to ask questions about things you do not understand. Your classmates are physically available for you all to interact with each other questions. Online courses lack the swift feedback you receive in a traditional classroom. When learning something new you need that immediate availability that the traditional classroom provides. Class communication and discussions are very helpful when taking any type of class. Online courses do have discussions, because the communications for online courses are not definite. Online communication is somewhat unreliable; communicating with a peer online will not always receive a response. Traditional class’s communication and discussion are beneficial; if you have information or responses for one of your peers you will immediately receive a response. Unlike online classes, in a traditional course you have class discussion where you are graded to participate. Having discussions during class gives you an opportunity to give your input on the discussion taking place, it also gives you a chance to voice and concerns you have. Also when you have the face to face interaction that I mentioned in the last paragraph you are able to get a response right away without having to wait on an electronic response. Structure in the classroom is very important. In order to have a successful class you have to orchestrate some type of order. Traditional courses have rules that you must follow if you would like to continue the course that you are enrolled in. Traditional courses have rules such as attendance policies and assignment due dates. Unlike online courses, traditional classes have required participation and presentation you have to perform in every course. Whenever you have these rules and requirements you perform better and excel in your class. Last, even though online and traditional educations are both forms of learning traditional education is more beneficial and informative due to availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Online courses may be preferred by some students, but when enrolled in such a course you have to be prepared and able to teach yourself and learn accordingly. Although, Kaleb tried both online and traditional courses, he realized that traditional courses are more informative especially for him considering that he is a hand on learner. Now Kaleb will think twice before he enrolls into another online class.